Equipment by Little Tikes.
Surface: rubber.
In my recent review of Lithuania Park, I described it as an “appetizer” playground for families headed to one of High Park’s larger, main course playgrounds.
Well, after our recent visit to the excellent playground at Highview Park, Woodrow was our “dessert.” And it was quite tasty, even if the portions weren’t that generous.
Woordrow Park really can’t compete with Highview on most levels; the equipment isn’t as varied or engaging, the space is much smaller, there are no water elements. But it did have one thing that Highview didn’t, and which kept us happy as we picnicked: a train bridge.
The park is actually split in half by the GO and Via train tracks, with the playground on one side, and a small, sloping green space on the other, connected by a pedestrian bridge. We plunked ourselves down on our picnic blanket on the non-playground side, at a spot with a perfect view of the tracks, close enough for a nice little thrill as the trains rumbled past with surprising frequency.
The kids had a quick obligatory play on the equipment before gravitating back to the bridge. We spent a good 30 minutes more waving to trains, hoping (and more often than not, succeeding) to extract a toot-toot from them as they passed.
So if your kids aren’t into trains, skip this one and head straight to Highview instead. But if catching a whiff of diesel and waving dementedly at GO Trains is a preferred activity, you can’t miss at Woodrow.