This blog is by no means a parenting blog. But sharing, as all parents know, is caring. The following links are Danforth Dad approved. I'm not being paid to recommend any of these things. Yet...
DanforthDad.com is a proud member of the Playground Writers of Canada. Thanks to them, you can travel coast to coast in this wonderful country, secure in the knowledge that someone will be able to tell you where to play.
Halifax - Itsy Bitsy Haligonians
Moncton - Pickle Planet Moncton
Montreal - Stroller Parking
GTA - Multiple Momstrosity
Durham Region - Durham Region Playgrounds
London - London Playground Review
Saskatoon - Saskatoon Playground Review
Calgary - Calgary Playground Review
Kamloops - Kamloops Playgrounds
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish - parenting experts whose books have made me a better parent, teacher, and probably a better overall person. If they scribbled my horoscope on a napkin, I would probably believe them. Their excellent work includes:
- How To Talk So Kids Will Listen (And Listen So Kids Will Talk)
- How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen
Unruffled - an awesome podcast by Janet Lansbury to help deal with the ridiculous frustration that comes with toddlers.
The Longest Shortest Time - award-winning podcast about "the surprises and absurdities of raising other humans." Sometimes light, sometimes weird, sometimes beautiful.
99% Invisible - One of the best podcasts around, about design. Start with this one about playgrounds, or this one about Kindergarten.
New Mom Project - if you're a parent, you've probably got bags and bags of barely-used clothes that your kids have outgrown, or toys they've never played with. Do everybody a favour and donate it.
Waterbabies - the photo on their homepage is terrifying, but this is probably your best bet for swimming lessons with a baby. We've tried two others, and they don't come close to the level of instruction you get here.
Music Together - there are plenty of options for music lessons for your kids, and they all have complicated and high-minded philosophies behind them. It all comes down to the teachers, of course, and Music Together (in our experience at least) has the best ones.
Session Atlas - if your child likes skate parks, this is the ultimate resource.
Kids in TO - thorough guide of what to do with Toronto kids.
Manbabies - not useful in any way, shape, or form. But hilarious.
BlogTO - Not necessarily kid related, but a good source for Toronto stuff.
Canadian Dad Bloggers - A list of all the dadblogs you could hope for.