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George Webster Park and PS

Danforth Dad

Surface: wood chips.

No playground has everything, but George Webster Park sure makes a valiant attempt.

Of the 200+ Toronto playgrounds we’ve visited so far, George Webster Park is one of only five that has a wading pool, splash pad, sandbox, and washrooms. And while none of its elements are amazing, it’s one of the best public park / public school combos we’ve visited, and it gets a good score for having a little bit of everything.

The Henderson equipment has all the standard pieces you’d expect for younger and older age groups; some slides, some swings, some spinners, some monkey bars. There’s even a fun little spring-loaded teeter totter, although the lack of shade made that particular item scorchingly hot on our visit.

But if the lack of shade in the play area gets to be too much, kids can always head over to the wading pool or small splash pad to cool off. The sandbox gets at least a bit of shade, and there are some nice big trees with picnic tables at the park’s south end.

Judging from Google Street View, it looks like the school had a major expansion around 2017 that saw it grow from a tiny one-story postwar building to a sprawling modern facility. The expansion meant the disappearance of a baseball field, but the surrounding grounds are still very spacious for an elementary school.

Because the park is connected to the school grounds, there are several other opportunities for play here: two soccer fields (one natural grass, one turf), basketball nets, a large paved area that’s good for biking, and a second playground closer to the school.

In short, this is one of East York’s most complete playgrounds and a good place to spend the afternoon.

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